

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00


*蒙特梭利教師協會由上海蒙特梭利教育集團發(fā)起,聯合臺灣蒙特梭利啟蒙研究基金會及港、澳、臺一群熱愛蒙特梭利教育的華人,于2009年經香港特別行政區(qū)*批準注冊成立。2010年*蒙特梭利教師協會在受邀參加美國蒙特梭利協會成立50周年波士頓會議慶典后,正式在上海開始運營。 協會以研究和推廣蒙特梭利教育理念,并實踐其教育方法,培養(yǎng)*蒙特梭利教師,提升蒙特梭利教師的專業(yè)水平為宗旨。 搭建*蒙特梭利教師與港澳臺及蒙特梭利國際組織的交流平臺;將*傳統(tǒng)文化融入蒙特梭利教育,打造出適合華人*的蒙特梭利教育體系,有傳承有創(chuàng)新,讓蒙特梭利教育更好的為華人*服務。目前*蒙特梭利教師協會,已經成為亞洲蒙特梭利聯合會一員,所有*蒙特梭利教師協會與臺灣蒙特梭利啟蒙研究基金會共同受訓的教師均可獲得在大陸與臺灣兩地的實習機會,并獲得受亞洲15個*與地區(qū)的認可與教師培訓證書。 China Montessori Teachers Association (CMTA) incorporated in 2009, approved by the HKSAR Government. It was launched by the Shanghai Montessori Education Group, which jointed the Chinese Foundation for Early Childhood Educational Research (CMF) of Taiwan and Overseas Chinese who love Montessori education and living in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. In 2010, Montessori Teachers Association was invited to participate the AMS(American Montessori Society) 50th anniversary in Boston. After the ceremony, officially began operating in Shanghai. The China Montessori Teachers Association think to study and promote the Montessori philosophy of education, to fulfill its educational methods, to training Chinese Montessori Teacher and to enhance the professional standard for the purpose. CMTA aims to set up a communication platform for teachers of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and international organizations; to put the Chinese traditional culture into Montessori education, and created a Montessori teaching method that fit to the Chinese world. And to inherit and innovate the Montessori teaching method, give better services for the Chinese world. At present, China Montessori Teachers Association, has become a member of the Asian Association of Montessori. All teachers who received the training courses will have internship opportunities both in mainland and Taiwan. And can obtain a certificate that be recommended by 15 countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada , Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao…and so on.






