
BUSINESS WRITING(May 26th, 2009)



課程價格: ¥2000.00元





BUSINESS WRITING LEARNING OBJECTIVES: To learn how to write the most useful business writing format, such as report、memorandum、E-mail、note and fax; To learn & practice useful phrases for report/presentation writing; To learn how to describe upward & downward trends; To practice comparing facts & figures; To learn ocabulary for describing graphs & diagrams; To communicate with other companies’ Executies and HRs BENEFITS: Learn the most useful office business writing skills; Build personal network Host: Vcareer Institute Subject: Business Writing Time: 9:30am--5:30pm Date: May 26th, 2009 ( Thursday ) Venue: 2F, No.418 East Jinling Road ( Near South Guangxi Road ; Right opposite to Motel 168 ) Language: English Fee: 2000RMB/person/day (including: course fee ,material ,snack, beerage and lunch) Early Bird: 1900RMB/person if paid before June 8th 1800RMB/person if there are 3 or more participants comes from the same company. Please note, since this seminar is strictly limited to 12 delegates, early booking is highly recommended to aoid disappointment. THE CONTENT OF THE TRAINING Six Tips for Effectie Writing 1. Mind maps and planning. 2. Logical sequencing and organization. 3. Identifying your audience. 4. KISS (Keep It Short and Simple). 5. Actie and passie sentences. 6. Less is more. The Essentials 1. Formal and informal writing styles. 2. Rereading and proofreading. 3. Punctuation. 4. Abbreiations (when and when not to use them). External Correspondence 1. Introduction. 2. Openings and closings. 3. Standard Phrases. 4. Layout 5. Faxes. 6. Reiew of pre-course assignment. 7. Complaint and response letters. Internal Correspondence 1. Memos. 2. Emails. Procedures 1. Writing instructions. 2. Sequencing information logically 3. Selecting releant information. 4. Select appropriate language. Describing and Comparing Trends 1. What is a trend? 2. Useful phrases for report and presentation writing. 3. Learning to describe trends. 4. Comparing facts and figures. 5. Vocabulary for describing graphs and diagrams. Selecting Releant Information 1. What is releant? 2. How to emphasis important information. 3. Using PowerPoint presentations. Meetings 1. Meeting initations. 2. Responding to an initation. 3. Writing meeting minutes. 4. Memos of recommendation. 6. Action Reports. Reports 1. Analyzing reports. 2. Report Layouts. 3. Selecting releant information. 4. Writing Reports. Senior Natie American Trainer : Clayton Clayton has proided adanced business training for business professionals throughout Asia for nearly ten years. Although he hails from the US Capitol of Washington D.C., he spent oer twele years in Asia during his youth while accompanying his father on his foreign serice assignments throughout the world. Clayton graduated from MIT with a degree in Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering, then joined the US Air Force as an officer, working on ery high-priority Satellite and NASA space shuttle projects. After excelling in the US Air Force, he joined IBM to market aerospace contracts to goernment agencies, including NASA, JPL and select Defense agencies. Later, he entered the ciilian side of engineering, and achieed notable successes in arious capacities, ranging from Project Engineer to Business Deelopment Manager - and in a wide ariety of engineering and manufacturing sectors. During the late 1970's and into the 1980's, Clayton proided engineering consulting serices to his father, who was selected by US President Jimmy Carter to be the chief US interpreter during the historic meetings between Premier Deng Xiao Ping and President Carter. Subsequent to the re-establishment of US-China relations, he adised his father, who was selected to be chief interpreter on arious US-China negotiations, including those for the sale and implementation of China's IBM-deeloped Air Traffic Control System, the launching of US satellites on China's Long March space launcher, and the arrangement of Good Will tours of both Chinese and American goernment leaders to America and China respectiely. During the early 2000's Clayton became coninced that future economic growth opportunities were shifting to China, and came to China to participate in the dynamic economic marketplace of Shanghai. Clayton soon formed a consulting company, specializing in foreign inestment in Shanghai, which has subsequently shifted to adising Chinese inestors in US inestment and partnership opportunities. Clayton soon discoered that there was a ery pressing need in the local business arena for high-leel Business English communication skills, since China and Shanghai were rapidly emerging into the ery center of global commerce. In order to fulfill this need, Clayton joined highly reputable Business Training enterprises and deliered top-leel business training programs that went beyond the basics of language - but into the customs, rituals and processes endemic to the western business world. Clayton brings all his professional and personal experience to the seminars and in a highly engaging style as well. His method is to get clients to first understand the concepts and customs behind the arious Business English language constructs and western business practices, and then actiely engage the clients in simulated scenarios to reinforce student absorption of the lesson or seminar content. In addition, for specialized business training engagements, Clayton adises clients on how to successfully adance their careers in the multinational corporate enironment. Clayton is one of proud founding member of Vcareer, and guides other training staff in absorbing the highly successful training and consulting methodology that seres as the foundation for Vcareer's respected reputation and documented success. 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